Italian News Snippets: 08.29.07
Here are a few mid-week newsy bits for you from Italy:
- Remember those “guardians of decorum” in Venice that I’ve mentioned? Here’s another article about them – the article is more of the same stuff, but the photo is great.
- If you’ve got Italian ancestry, you, too, can begin the long and sometimes arduous process of obtaining dual Italian citizenship. It’s no picnic, but it could land you some pretty sweet perks. For some first-hand accounts of what the process entails, see the links on this page.
- A globe-maker outside Florence talks to a New York Times correspondent about the various political kerfuffles which necessitate the creation of different maps based on political differences. Interesting stuff.
- Some Italian festivals are more famous than others, and many towns have medieval events which are open to the public but rarely attended by outsiders. One you might want to check out is in Fosdinovo.
- It’s usually most expensive to travel to Italy right when you want to go, so if you’re hunting for deals, include this list of links in your search.