Note to WhyGo Italy Subscribers: New Posts, Coming Through!
A quick note to anyone who’s subscribed to WhyGo Italy via RSS or email:
First of all, THANK YOU for being a subscriber. I love knowing that you want to hear what I have to say about Italy enough that you get me delivered to your RSS reader or your inbox regularly, and I hope I don’t disappoint.
Second, we just added a new feature at WhyGo Italy which I’m going to be playing with a bit in the coming weeks, but my “playing” will mean that you see a bunch of things come through your inbox or RSS reader that you may not be expecting. What you’ll be seeing with the new feature is a bunch of new pages for booking hotels and hostels in various cities around Italy that have huge maps with accommodation options pinpointed on them – like the example to the right.
When you’re planning a trip, you’ll be able to look at one of these pages, and click on any of the accommodation icons for more information and easy booking options for any one of the hotels or hostels. We think the whole thing is pretty fantastic.
We’re still working on them, and we think they’ll be incredibly useful for anyone planning a trip to Italy – and that also means that I’ve got to create a whole bunch of posts in one fell swoop. So I’ll ask for your patience as these new posts come through your inbox/RSS reader!
Thanks again for being a WhyGo Italy subscriber, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or comments.